Refund Policies
Refund policies for each program are listed below. If you have any questions about these policies please contact the club treasurer.
Anzalone League, 10th - 12th
Refunds are typically not granted once the season starts. Extreme circumstances may be considered.
Coaches and Volunteers
not applicable
Instructional Program-1st &2nd
We do not issue refunds after the program starts except in limited cases of extenuating circumstances.
Jr. Wildcat League- 3rd
We do not typically give refunds once teams are formed. We will however consider extreme circumstances.
Town League, 4th-9th
Refunds after teams are formed will only be considered for extreme circumstances.
WJBL Travel Program, 2nd - 8th
Refunds are generally not given once players have committed to a team. Extenuating circumstances will be considered.